Ideal Spaces Launches Symposium Episodes and New Podcast
Symposium Neoliberal Agenda
After a successful symposium, we will post it in a series of 6 episodes, with one episode per week. The episodes are directly taken from the symposium itself and include speakers in person and online. The episodes will include flowcharts that outline the content presented by specific speakers. Included in the first episode are Wendy Brown (University of Berkeley), George Monbiot (The Guardian newspaper), and Dieter Plehwe (Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin). The symposium was moderated by Ulrich Gehmann, Director Ideal Spaces Foundation, and Allan Siegel.
Podcast Information
In the context of the ICE 3D Environment Conference/vrbn with Ideal Spaces as a partner of vrbn, a podcast with Dr. Ulrich Gehmann/Ideal Spaces and Matthias Bühler/vrbn has been re-released on the goals of the Ideal Spaces Foundation with a view on recent society. https://www.idealspaces.org/news/3d-environment-poredcast/
We will release podcasts in the coming weeks, such as about inner self and freedom with J Michael Heynen, and with Thomas Kolbe about a libertarian human image. Future podcasts are being planned on topics of the Neoliberal Agenda Symposium.
Photo by U. Gehmann, The Foundation garden.