TOWARDS 2050 event included in the Resilient Communities Padiglione Italy programme 17. International exhibition of Venice Biennial Architecture, will be broadcast on September 14 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM on the Resilient Communities Facebook social channel.The year 2050, considered the point of no return, is just around the corner. A change in culture and mentality is needed to tackle the climate crisis, and it is becoming increasingly important to be open to visionary ideas and to ensure that their essence is consolidated in everyday life. In order to achieve this, it is essential that there is unity among the actors involved in creating the possible future.
MORNING – “Towards 2050 – Visions from 2050”: Italian hours (CET) from 11:00 to 14:00 / 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.The authors of the graphic works selected for the event are: Bea MARTIN; Gaetano BOCCIA; Giuliana Flavia CANGELOSI; Alessandro LUPORINO; Ana ARAGAO; Federico BRIA; Benji CONNELL; Atelier CRILO (Lorena GRECO + Cristian FARINELLA); Annibale SICONOLFI.
AFTERNOON – “Towards 2050 – Anamnesis of the future”: Italian hours (CET) from 15.00 to 18.00 / 3:00 – 6:00 PM.Three comparisons will be organised this afternoon in thematic a:1) “New technologies for New Radicalism”: Valentina SUMINI, Aldo SOLLAZO, Damiano CERRONE, Federico FERRAZZA;2) “Resilience: Between Theory, Research and Applied”: Simin DAVOUDI, Halina VELOSO, Pasquale DE PAOLA, Demetrio SCOPELLITI;3) “Imersive, Design and Health Technologies”: Monica BOTTA, Alessandro BIAMONTI, Hannah LUXENBERG TONO, Erica BERTERO.